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Blades For Cutting Porcelain Tiles

Views: 10     Author: Site Editor     Publish Time: 2022-08-25      Origin: Site

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The best choice for cutting tile is a diamond blade. Made of diamond-coated steel, they are very strong and durable, making them ideal for precise cutting. Blades for cutting tiles can also be used with other materials, such as concrete, granite, or wallboard.

However, before you start using it, you should know which type is best for your situation. Two main types are available. The first is the segmented blade, which has fixed teeth in segments with grooves to make the process of cutting tiles more stable, which also reduces the temperature that the diamond blade generates during use.

The second type is continuous diamond blade. They are not segmented, but instead have a continuous layer of diamond covering the rim, making them ideal for cutting hard materials such as porcelain or ceramic tiles. An advantage is that they are also very difficult to accidentally damage the surface of the cut material.

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